2025 RULES
Greenlee Junior Rodeo Series
Rodeo Dates: June 7th, June 21st, July 12th, August 2nd
Makeup Date if needed: August 9th
Rodeos will be held at the Greenlee County Fairgrounds, 1248 Fairgrounds Rd,
Duncan, AZ 85534.
Any event cancelled due to rain or other issues will be rescheduled to the makeup date in August and posted on our Facebook page and website!
Rule changes from 2024 are highlighted below. Please make note of those!
RODEOS ARE PRE-ENTER!! Entries can be hand delivered
or emailed to Kassi Mortensen or Amy Rhoton prior to the postmark dates shown
below, or mailed to the address shown on the entry form by the postmark date for each
rodeo. Team roping (ONLY) is pre-enter or can be entered day of the rodeo prior
to the start of the team roping. Any entries sent or hand delivered after the
post marked date will be assessed a $10 late fee per competitor. We encourage
the payment of entry fees by the postmarked dates as well, but they can be paid
up until the start of the rodeo at 5PM. Cash or check only please.
No event additions
or new entries will be accepted after 24 hours prior to the rodeo. To draw out of the rodeo
or any event, you must notify us 24 hours prior to Check In or all related
entry fees will be forfeited.
This really helps our bookkeepers out in setting up day sheets for the day of
the rodeo, please be considerate of their time by helping us out with
Rodeo Entry Post Marked Dates
Day of Rodeo Check-In: 4:30-5:00 PM - The arena is not guaranteed to be open
and available for warm up until 4:00PM the day of the rodeo! We also ask to
please refrain from utilizing the arena the night before as our stock
contractors use that time to ready our stock. Please stop by the crow’s
nest to check in so we can make sure to remove anyone that cannot make it from
that day’s rodeo list.
Rules and General Information
The Greenlee Junior Rodeo Series (GJRS) is for ages 0-18.
Contestant age is as of June 7, 2025, the start of the series for
the season. Age groups: 5 and under Leadline (lead by another individual), 5
and Under, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14 and 15-18.
GJRS will award prizes at the end of the series during an
awards ceremony. Every contestant participating in at least THREE of the FOUR rodeos will be awarded a prize at that time. Points will be tallied
after the final rodeo for all-around and other awards. Prizes will be awarded based on a total of all four rodeo points for all events. No rodeos or event scores will be dropped.
You must participate in
at least two different events to qualify for all-around awards (if an age group
does not have a contestant that competed in at least 2 different events the
award will go to the next high point contestant). Team Roping and
Steer Riding are not included in the events for the All Around. They are
considered their own events and will be awarded prizes accordingly.
Entries Percent
1 -
4 -
60% 40%
6 -
50% 30% 20%
11 +
40% 30% 20%
Placing Points Placing Points
10 6th
8th 3
7 9th
*Pay back in stock events is after the removal of stock fees. If a no time is received or competitor places beyond 10th place you will receive 1 point.
The leadline class is made up of riders, aged 5 and under,
that are assisted (lead) by another individual. These riders will run all their
events at once at the beginning of the rodeo, following steer riding events.
These riders will be given participation prizes, but no points or times will be
kept. A rider can choose to move up to the unassisted age group at any time.
Barrels: The clover leaf pattern will be
run either to the left or right. If the pattern is broken, it will result in a
no time. If the beginning line (the eye) is crossed before the pattern is
complete or the competitor goes past the intended barrel in the wrong direction,
a broken pattern will result. A forward motion must be maintained to avoid a
broken pattern. Contestants in the 5 and
Under age group will not be disqualified if their horse stops forward motion
during the event but they may not backup within the pattern. A broken pattern
will be determined by the flag person and arena official. A knocked over barrel will result in a 5
second penalty.
Parents or other individuals may help with arena entry for all timed events but
cannot cross the beginning line (the eye) or a no time will be recorded.
Flags: The flag event is available only
to 9-11 and younger age groups. Time starts when the horse’s nose crosses the
starting line and time stops when the horse’s nose crosses the finish
line. Contestant must run to the barrel, grab the flag out of a bucket, continue
around the barrel and run back across the finish line. If either the
bucket containing the flag or the barrel is knocked over by the contestant,
he/she will receive a five (5) second penalty for each one knocked over.
If contestant does not completely go around the barrel, a no time will be
received. The contestant may go around the barrel starting from the left
or right side and continue around the barrel in a forward motion. If the
contestant touches or hits their horse with the flag a no time will be
Poles: The time starts when the horse’s
nose crosses the starting line and ends when the horse’s nose crosses the
finish line. Touching poles is permitted by horse or contestant. A
horse may start the pattern either to the right or left side of the poles and
then weave through the poles starting with the last pole in the arena, turn
around the pole closest to the starting gate and weave back through the poles.
Once the end pole is turned, they must race home on the opposite side of the
poles from where they started. Knocking over a pole is a five (5) second
penalty per pole. If a contestant must back up and retrace their tracks,
it will be considered a broken pattern and will receive a no time.
Goat Tying: The time will start when the
nose of the horse crosses the starting line and stops when the contestant
signals the completion of the tie with the up throw of both hands. The
contestant must cross the starting line, ride to the goat, dismount from the
horse, throw the goat by hand, cross, wrap and tie by hand, at least three (3)
feet together with a leather string, pigging string or rope. The
contestant will have a one-minute time limit to tie the goat. Legs must
remain crossed and secure for 6 seconds after completion of tie. While
the judge is performing the 6 second procedure, the contestant will make no
gestures or noises to distract the goat. The contestant must tie the goat
by hand with no pre-made wraps, coils, knots, hooeys or half hitch. If
the goat comes untied before the 6 seconds the contestant will receive a no
time. Contestants will receive a no time for touching the goat or tie
string after signaling they are finished. If the contestant’s horse
crosses the tether or touches the goat, a 10 second penalty will be added.
All Calf Roping Events: Any intentional
dragging of calf regardless of distance will result in a no time. Intentional
dragging shall be defined as caused by contestant. All horses must have a
neck rope and a lead on their tie down.
Step Down (9-11) Boys: Calf horses must
have a neck rope. Catch as catch can. The time will start when the
calf leaves the chute and stop when the flagman drops the flag. A ten
second penalty will be added for a broken barrier. Time stops when the
roper’s feet hit the ground and the rope is tight. One minute time
limit. There will be a minimum of three adult liners in the arena
and two adult helpers in the arena to take a hold of the calf after the run is
complete. Contestant will be disqualified for any abusive treatment of calf or
his horse.
Calf Touch Roping (12-14): A neck rope must be used. Contestants must adjust rope and reins in a manner that will prevent the horse from dragging the calf. Catch as catch can. A ten second penalty will be added for a broken barrier. The time will stop when the roper touches any part of the calf. There will be a one-minute time limit. Rope must hold calf until roper touches the calf. There will be a minimum of three adult liners in the arena and two adult helpers in the arena to take a hold of the calf after the run is complete. Contestant will be disqualified for any abusive treatment of calf or his horse.
Break Away: A ten second penalty will be
added for a broken barrier. The time stops when the rope breaks away from
the saddle horn at which time the flagger drops the flag. The rope must go
completely over the calf’s head.
Junior Steer Riding
Again, steer riding is considered its own event and DOES
NOT count toward All Around Points.
The junior steer riding event is for those in the 6-10 age range. 6 seconds is
a qualified ride, 1 or 2 hands can be used. Points will go toward the rides
that receive a score, then to the next highest time under 6
seconds. If 6 seconds are not reached by any rider, points will be distributed
starting with the longest time then on down. Time starts when the flag drops
and ends when he/she touches the ground, or the six seconds is reached.
Steer Riding
The senior steer riding event is for those in the 11-14 age
group. 8 seconds is a qualified ride, 1 hand only. Points will go toward the rides that receive a score, then to the next highest time under 8 seconds. If no
qualified ride is made, points will go to the highest times. Places will
be paid only on qualified rides. If no qualified rides are made, pay outs
will be paid to the highest times according to the payback rates less the stock
Team Roping Rules:
There are 3 legal head catches – slick horns, half head and
around the neck. No crossfire. The heel loop cannot come in contact with the steer's legs until both of the following happen - the header has control of the steer's head and the steer's hips have changed direction.
We flag when both ropers are faced. The heeler’s rope must be tight with a full
wrap prior to the flag being dropped. If the barrier is broken 5 seconds
will be added to the team’s time. There is a 5 second penalty for single
leg catches by the heeler. It is the header’s responsibility to make sure the
arena is clear before the steer is called for. If the roper is visibly
fouled or the steer is injured, as in the case of a broken horn, the roper must
declare this by pulling up. If the header has a front leg, steer or horse,
in their head loop it is a no time. If the steer makes it to the catch pen
the run is over. A roper that fails to make it to the box when they are
called for, that roper will forfeit all money and prizes. All decisions of
the flagger are final.
are two team roping age groups. 11 and Under (Jr. Low) and 12 and Over (Jr.
High). Both are categorized as Junior Ropers. At the end of the season prizes
will be awarded per age group. Team Roping points will be awarded for high
point header and high point heeler in each age group. There will be a Jr.
Jr. Division and a Jr. Sr. Division. Seniors will be adults over the age
of 19. Jr. Ropers may only enter up to twice each end in the Jr. Jr.
and twice each end in the Jr. Sr. For a total of eight possible runs, four
heading, four heeling. Sr. ropers may enter as many times as they want. Sr.
ropers are roping for the kids, so they will not be charged an entry fee and
will not receive prize money paid back.
Rules are at the discretion of the Greenlee Junior
Rodeo Series Board and all changes will be announced. If there is a
discrepancy, the Greenlee Junior Rodeo Series Board will make the final
If you have any questions or comments, please direct them to
a member of the board and all issues will be addressed immediately. This
is your and your child’s Junior Rodeo Series and we encourage your comments and
questions to help ensure that you and your child’s safety and experience come
first. Improvement is always our goal!
Tie Rules:
In the event of a tie, the points for each place will be
added together and divided by the number of contestants tying. If there
is a tie in points for yearend awards, it is at the board’s discretion for
action going forward.
Greenlee Junior Rodeo Series Board and affiliates, Greenlee
Co. Fair & Racing, Greenlee County, stock contractors and affiliates are
not responsible for any liability in the event of an injury or loss to any
person, animals, or personal belongings. Any unsportsmanlike conduct by
contestant, parent, or guardian will be subject to disqualification.
Decision of the Greenlee Junior Rodeo Series Board are final!
It is against the Arizona law to bring any outside alcohol beverages onto the fairgrounds property and will be enforced - NO WARNINGS.
Please be ready when your name is called. If you
are not ready after the second time your name is called you will forfeit
your run and any associated entry fees.
Good Luck, Be Safe & Have Fun!
Board Members
Amy Rhoton – (575) 636-7891
Kassi Mortensen – (575) 313-4938
Daphene Wilkes
Kendra Holder
Kayla Presley
Ex-Officio Members
Keith and Leah Wilkerson – Stock Contractors