2025 GJRS Rodeo Dates

Please review the rule changes for 2025 here, notice all rodeos are PRE-ENTER, please!!! We are now accepting team roping entries as pre-enter OR day of entry. Draw out will require 24 hours notice, or all entry fees will be forfeited. You can download and print the entry forms, here. Please have your entries and payment to the board at the address on the entry form or hand delivered to Kassi Mortensen or Amy Rhoton by the post marked dates!

We realize that there may be some schedule overlap with other rodeos/events including the AZ HS Finals on the weekend of June 1st. We have done our best to schedule around everything else to find dates that work for our committee, our stock contractors and the fairgrounds. That said in trying to make things as fair as possible, y
ou must attend three of the four rodeos to be eligible for end of the season prizes! 

Please save August 9th as our makeup date if needed for rain out dates or any other issues. 

Board Members

 Amy Rhoton, Daphene Wilkes, Kassi Mortensen, Kendra Holder, Kayla Presley

Ex-Officio Members

Keith and Leah Wilkerson, Stock Contractor
